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Herbal Education

Herb classes

Herbalism for Self-Care & Massage Therapy

This class is offered through the Tucson Massage CE Institute and provides 6 continuing education units (CEU) to Licensed Massage Therapist -- however -- you do not have to be a massage therapist to register for this class. It is open to the general public and you do not have to be a massage therapist in order to attend. 

Learn the art and science of creating your own herbal massage oils, salves, and lotions! This introductory class teaches the basics of working with herbs. You'll learn about the actions of herbs on the body and how to make quick and effective herbal preparations. We'll discuss herbs that aid relaxation, promote sleep, relieve pain and improve digestion. We'll discuss sustainable herb practices and herbs that grow locally. The second part of the class will focus on working with herbs in oils. Together, we'll make an herb-infused oil, a salve and a lotion. Then it's your turn -- you'll get a chance to use what you've learned to make your own lotion in class. Each student will take home one salve and two lotions.

For more information and to register, visit:


La Yerberia, LLC 2009-2024  •  Contact:  •  Brownsville, TX

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